Charon sits, moored upon the shore,No lantern pierces the fog.A cold, penniless wake—Not even a ripple on the bog. The dark, still waters—Serene. Indifferent.They spare the destitute,But not the morally indigent. Ashes forgotten, sealed in the furnace,Closed to the skies.No breezes to catch, no currents to ride,No fields to fertilize.
The Revenant
The man on my birth certificate has died.But he was no man—A revenant at best,Chained to drinkAnd inhuman emotion.Hollow and bereft. He has died as he lived:Forgotten.
Saints of Hustle Culture
The saints of hustle descend upon the unfulfilled,And proselytize of their victims’ future fortuneIf only they’ll grit their teeth and grind…grind…grind… From the other side of their mouths they’ll remindTheir quarry that grit isn’t enough and suggestThey also create a clever new design…design…design… Monetize your hobbies and even your downtimeSuch that your rest isn’t for…
Running with Layla: A Captain’s Log of Chaos & Conditioning
Some people train for a 5K with a structured plan, tracking splits and heart rate zones. I’m not saying I don’t try that. But I’ve taken it a step further—I train with an Australian Shepherd who thinks every run is an Olympic event, a parkour course, and a meet-and-greet all rolled into one. Because I…
Velvet Teeth
The mornings are better without you.I can watch the gray give way to blue,Let light creep in where you reclined—Shaping my expectation,Building anticipation. No aftermath, or hours-long bath,No drowning in your stench.No raw-throated prayersOr mirror-eyed staresAt the wreckage of your wake. Your lips promise warmth—A slow burn, a whispered hush,A debaucherous dive into lust. But…
Distilled Delusions
The bullshit was thick, and I needed a drink.I headed to the cupboard, right on the brink.But when I got there—motherf—it was bare!All alone it stood, taunting me, if I dare. “I’m all octane, baby, but check out my label!I’m great in small doses, though a bit unstable.I pretend I’m not neutral, flavorless, forgettable—No, I’m…
ur no α
You fool.You’re not apart from the herd;You’re a part of it.Aftermarket?Still mass-produced.Your individualityAn affectationOf a common ideal.Your skill?Below average.BrashnessMakes you bold and stupid,Not nimble and responsive.Oversized egoAnd undersized bits.Compensation on your window. You pack animal.Oakleys and Skoal.Mountain Dew spit bottle.Commoditized pride(A Chinese export).Begging to be triedSo you fulfill a dream.Pumping gas and a mixOf Morgan…
No Savior
Cowed into silence by a draconian voice,He seethes and bites his tongue.The monster’s words yield no respect,Only bitter resentment from the young. Belittle and ridicule for amusement,Not for efficiency or order.The dwindling days ‘til exodus meansTime for honing a legacy grows shorter. No one wants the beast to die,Just its atrocious behavior.But if fading away…
And Nothing Between
You’ve never heard my children’s laughter,Never felt their worrisome trembling.You’ll never pet my dog,Never clean up after her droppings. You won’t feel the wind on the backOf my motorcycle,Won’t know my favorite colorOr why I say it’s so. Our hands will never touch, no more hugs.Our feet won’t share another stride. We could’ve laughed.We could’ve…