Some people train for a 5K with a structured plan, tracking splits and heart rate zones. I’m not saying I don’t try that. But I’ve taken it a step further—I train with an Australian Shepherd who thinks every run is an Olympic event, a parkour course, and a meet-and-greet all rolled into one.

Because I am a glutton for punishment—and both she and I need the exercise—Layla and I have embarked on the Couch to 5K dog training journey. It’s not just about getting myself into shape though. It’s also about teaching this dog pacing, focus, and maybe, just maybe, not doing a full leaping 360° spin every five steps.

Each run, I’ll log the miles, the mayhem, and whether Layla is getting any closer to being a running partner instead of a leashed Tasmanian devil. Welcome to our version of training—where every run is an adventure, and success isn’t just finishing a workout but doing it without tripping over a leash!

Layla the Aussie on couch to 5k dog training journey

What is Couch to 5K?

I won’t insult you by belaboring the point of the Couch to 5K (C25K) program since you likely already know. The name pretty much says it. Just in case though, C25K is a structured running plan designed to take beginners from a sedentary lifestyle to running a full 5K (3.1 miles) in about nine weeks. It implements a gradual run/walk approach and builds endurance (or confidence) without overwhelming newbies.

There is an official Couch to 5K app, which I use with my 20-month-old Aussie, that offers guided workouts that make it easy to stick to a plan. I used it years and years ago and I found that most importantly, it keeps me on my feet regularly. It was time to do it again. If you’re more the type of person who really likes to sink your teeth into something, Jago Holmes wrote a more in-depth guide called 5K Training for Beginners. It will even provide you with advice on everything from proper footwear to race-day preparation. These days, I just use the app and a playlist. Whatever you choose, C25K is a proven way to make steady progress.

Anyway, let’s get on with the progress! I’ll also track our progress on Strava, using the C25K app by Zen Labs concurrently.

Captain’s Log: Week 1, Day 1—A Surprisingly Tame Start [17 Mar 25]

2.15 miles, 13:50/mile average pace

So it begins. Layla and I have officially launched our Couch to 5K journey together. Sound the trumpets.

The Aussie surprised me on this run. The introduction was gentle—short bursts of running, plenty of walking, and, thankfully, not too many distractions. She was thrilled just to be out, but with no other dogs, squirrels, or unsuspecting neighbors to charm (or startle), she actually held herself together with reasonable composure.

Observation: She doesn’t seem nearly as interested in sniffing grass when we’re trotting, which is promising. However, she still zigs and zags like a drunk sailor, and her pacing is, well…abysmal. Girl, pick a pace and stick with it.

Chaos level: Low
Distractions: Few
Running Playlist: a soulful and gritty mix of blues and Americana
Layla’s lesson of the day: Running in a straight line is an option—who knew?

Captain’s Log: Week 1, Day 2—The Battle of Wills [19 Mar 25]

2.28 miles, 13:19/mile average pace

Don’t let the extra distance and improved pace fool you—this run was an exercise in patience, not endurance. Layla was relentless.

She’s always excited to go outside…unless it’s raining. Or the ground is still wet from rain. But today, conditions were perfect, and we started off okay. The five-minute warmup walk was mostly uneventful. Then the chaos kicked in.

First came her signature 360° spins, followed by snapping at the leash when she inevitably got herself tangled. Then, the full-body shake to reset from the overstimulation. Rinse and repeat. She stopped aggressively to sniff grass, sidewalks, and the wind itself—continuing her antics well into the running segments.

If Layla spots a woman, a dog, or—because why make things easy?—a woman with a dog, all bets are off. Today, we ran into the same woman walking her dog three separate times. That meant three battles of wills, each ending with me in a firm stance, commanding her to “SIT!” before she could fully launch into her ambassador role.

She also nearly tripped me three or four times—either by stopping dead in her tracks or cutting across me to form a live-action tripwire with her leash. Oh, and she started lagging on the second half of our run. I was grateful for the peace, but this bitch can’t hang. I guess that’s to be expected on her Couch to 5K dog training journey, yeah?

Chaos level: Moderate-High
Distractions: A woman and her dog (minding their own business) + rogue leaves in the breeze.
Running Playlist: a hard-hitting mix of classic and modern rock, metal, and anthems built for momentum
Layla’s lesson of the day: People want to know me! Gotta get the human to understand that.

Captain’s Log: Week 1, Day 3—The Hangover Hustle [22 Mar 25]

2.17 miles, 13:47/mile average pace

There were fewer people out this afternoon, which worked in our favor. I was operating on minimal sleep after staying out until 2 a.m. with my sister, then turning around to meet my son for lunch in honor of his 21st birthday. Safe to say, I wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders.

Layla, to her credit, matched the vibe. She wasn’t pulling or leaping quite as much—but only because she was distracted by everything that wasn’t the run. This was a recovery shuffle for me and an extended sniffari for her.

Chaos level: Low
Distractions: Few
Layla’s lesson of the day: I’m allegedly a working dog. I just want to loaf.

Captain’s Log: Week 2, Day 1—Let Me At ‘Em! [24 Mar 25]

2.30 miles, 13:29/mile average pace

This dog is like Scrappy Doo: always begging for you to “let her at ’em,” despite the fact that she’d probably get her ass handed to her. If it wouldn’t make me a pariah at the park, I’d let her square off with a more seasoned dog just once—if only to teach her the lesson I clearly can’t.

Still no sense of pacing, and her attention span is worse than ever. Every gust of wind is a summons. Every distant bark, a distraction. I’m starting to wonder if a little CBD before a run would help her settle…or if I’d just end up dragging a philosophical Aussie contemplating cloud shapes.

Chaos level: Moderate-High
Distractions: Too Many
Layla’s lesson of the day: Every run is a battle between enthusiasm and experience—and so far, enthusiasm is getting us both injured.

Captain’s Log: Week 2, Day 2—Same Dog, Different Day [24 Mar 25]

2.42 miles, 12:45/mile average pace

Once again, Layla lost her mind over that same little Shih Tzu we passed last week. The poor thing was just vibing while its human cleaned out the car. Layla, on the other hand, acted like its very presence was a personal affront. I told her to sit—she sat. We walked—she barked, growled, lunged, and generally made a scene.

Part of me thinks she genuinely wants to say hello. But there’s another part, something deeper and more instinctual, that snaps her into predator mode.

Her pacing today? A mess. But I pushed us harder intentionally. I figured if she was going to act like a hellhound, she might as well earn the title.

Chaos level: High
Distractions: A patient little Shih Tzu and that same woman from last week.
Running Playlist: a wistful mix of alt-rock and indie, with heart, hooks, and a touch of ache
Layla’s lesson of the day: Not everything is a threat—or a toy.

Captain’s Log: Week 2, Day 3—The Calm Before the Squirrel [29 Mar 25]

2.5 miles, 12:24/mile average pace

I think Saturday mornings are good running slots for Layla. I don’t have a lot to remark on for today. I think the morning helped her stamina since she hasn’t had all day to tire herself out through playing or boredom. There is still room for improving her leash behavior while walking, but the running was better today.

Chaos level: Low
Distractions: None
Running Playlist: Trippy Progressive Blues/Rock
Layla’s lesson of the day: Turns out I can run like a normal dog—just gotta catch me before noon.

Captain’s Log: Week 3, Day 1—Running the Storm Out [31 Mar 25]

2.21 miles, 13:19/mile average pace

Today’s slower pace is attributable to deliberately pacing ourselves because we had longer running intervals. Layla doesn’t understand the purpose of a warm-up walk. She wants to hit the ground running and she can’t shake her enthusiasm, so she bolts, shakes, or spins to burn off her anticipation. Consequently, she’s tired by the end of our penultimate interval. Listen to me, dog. I know a thing or two about a thing or two.

There were a fair amount of distractions today with families making the most of their after-work time before the storms return (please, wash away the pollen!). Layla also tried darting out after a passing vehicle, jumping in front of another she didn’t see when she was anticipating a street crossing, and she gave chase to an in-flight vulture she had no chance of catching. Fool of a dog! That being said, I think she thoroughly enjoyed herself this evening.

Chaos level: Moderate
Distractions: Buzzards and vinyl yard signs
Running Playlist: Stephen Wilson Jr. søn of dad
Layla’s lesson of the day: You don’t have to catch the buzzard to feel like you won.

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