First class to Los Angeles.

Lara Log—14

The Interlude Well my head’s in Georgia, but my feet is California bound‘Cause that good-looking woman I got wants to leave these Georgia towns —J.J. Cale As Lara gets farther and farther away from her last chemo treatment, she’s feeling better and better. That’s why we have to seize this opportunity for me to make…

Lara Meiojas Celebration of Life

Lara Log—11

I know everyone’s been following Lara’s journey for a while now so this is both a very brief recap for those new to the story and an invitation to everyone. On June 30, 2022, an oncologist diagnosed Lara with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer after they’d found a golf-ball-sized mass near her pancreas a couple of…

Lara receiving outpatient chemo.

Lara Log—9

Round 2 of Chemo is underway. The first day is always the longest. They have to check her height and weight (independently by two separate nurses to make sure they give her the right amount of chemo each time). Today’s menu includes Oxaliplatin, Irinotecan, Leucovorin, and Fluorouracil (with a side of Cheez-Its for good measure).…

Lara relaxing after having her first shower and hair wash in weeks.

Lara Log—8

Yesterday Lara felt well enough to get into the shower. I washed her from head to toe, including a shampoo and scalp massage. You should have seen her smiling. She spent a little time outside the bedroom too, brightening up the whole house. Originally shared on Facebook. Read the other Lara Logs: