The Buddha sat serenely in grace,The Cardinal joined his calm space.The snow softly falling,It all seemed enthralling,Charming and slowing my hectic pace.
Over There, Birdsong
The bird in my handDoes not sing; it barely chirps.Over there? Birdsong.
Unshared Evermore
You never told me your favorite colorOr about the monsters under your bed.I don’t know how you take your coffeeOr which thoughts you prefer pushed from your head.I won’t venture with you into the yonder, wild and blue,Or even admire you in any place your grace adorns.I can neither aver my aversion to good fortuneNor…
Moth Orchid
I coaxed your petals into full bloomBy nurturing your needsOn moonlit nights or in sunlit beams.A careful whisper, a hand that feeds,And, in tenderness, sweet surrender.Precious cargo, calyx-protected.Envy of the effete and lechers aplenty,Overlooking the oft neglected.
Writing Exercise
Some time ago, I was taking a creative writing course in one form or another. The instructor offered a challenge (assignment even) of writing a short story. A very short story. The story could be no longer than fifty-five words. Nor could it be any shorter than fifty-five words. Additionally, we couldn’t create a clever…
Here and Gone
Yeah, I see it too.Fast as you see it, it’s gone.Take what we can get.
The Metro Gnome
Sad, sad metro gnome.So, so far away from home.Poor thing. All alone.
Scars on my Heart
Broken and mendingMy heart’s scars tell you no lies.I’m real. I’m enough.
I claw at my face(This storm will soon be lifting);It does me no good.