congested traffic approaching Nashville, Tennessee

ur no α

You fool.You’re not apart from the herd;You’re a part of it.Aftermarket?Still mass-produced.Your individualityAn affectationOf a common ideal.Your skill?Below average.BrashnessMakes you bold and stupid,Not nimble and responsive.Oversized egoAnd undersized bits.Compensation on your window. You pack animal.Oakleys and Skoal.Mountain Dew spit bottle.Commoditized pride(A Chinese export).Begging to be triedSo you fulfill a dream.Pumping gas and a mixOf Morgan…

art of looming figure over embarrassed child will peers look on

No Savior

Cowed into silence by a draconian voice,He seethes and bites his tongue.The monster’s words yield no respect,Only bitter resentment from the young. Belittle and ridicule for amusement,Not for efficiency or order.The dwindling days ‘til exodus meansTime for honing a legacy grows shorter. No one wants the beast to die,Just its atrocious behavior.But if fading away…

bird's eye view of hand on motorcycle throttle and foot on brake

And Nothing Between

You’ve never heard my children’s laughter,Never felt their worrisome trembling.You’ll never pet my dog,Never clean up after her droppings. You won’t feel the wind on the backOf my motorcycle,Won’t know my favorite colorOr why I say it’s so. Our hands will never touch, no more hugs.Our feet won’t share another stride. We could’ve laughed.We could’ve…

creepy old and grungy dolls

The Failures and the Fray

Meager men oozing desperationOver thirst traps and box gaps.They shoot their shot,Blowing their wad.Because words are cheap. Quasi-romanticTo outright lascivious,They run the gamut.Impotent in any event.Aiming to rise above the fray. Bottom feeders frenzyingOver derivative delusions.Proudly proclaiming (unawares)Inevitable incelity.Masquerading as dreamy and steamy men.

bird's eye view of a glass of beer on a wooden table

Amber Refrain

Nursing himself back to better feelingsWith another amber ale.It drowns last night’s dull acheAnd the taste of chips gone stale. This glass is unlike the others.This one holds all the keys.A lifetime cradling conventionBeats worn and weathered knees. The fizzy, familiar liftCounterbalances life fallen flat.A final sloppy slurp—“hasta mañana”—He shuffles across the frayed doormat.

picture of a still pond with trees lining the banks and a blue sky

Call & Response

Another round of validation, provenDevoid of real reciprocity.The moth-eaten gossamerConcealed not the trap. Muddied waters aren’t deep—They are unmoving and tepid.There may be mystery,But there is no awe. No one slakes their thirst thereExcept in desperation,Because predators lie in waitNear the banks of stagnancy.

an unmade bed in high contrast

788 Nights

788 nights—Some of them not his alone. Exceptions—Silence softened. Sometimes shattered. Laughter filled the space.(Could it be trusted?)Touches told new stories.But still, one side was his. The void required no reservation.He kept one anyway. Saving a spot for what?Memories? Ghosts?Promises? (noble bullshit?) The 789th night—A brittle leaf, breezing right,Freed from the branch of old habits.Loosed…

perspective view of bar

Tell You The Same

A folk sermon by the proudly misinformed Look here, Puddintame,I’ll tell you the same.Diversity’s a curse,And Equity’s worse.Inclusion?Sinister collusion. Now hush, Clementine,Lemme lay it on the line.Hear me condescend,My young and foolish friend.𝘈 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘥𝘰𝘮’𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘢𝘳. Again, Puddintame,The world’s gone insaneAnd it’s taken you with it.You gotta admit it:The world’s done went…

view of statue of Lady Justice from behind

We The People

They scratched the words into vellum,But left the meaning subject to change.These foundations were laid in liberty,Yet fortified by their chattel in chains. Our fathers, despite their wisdom,Got so much of it wrong.But at least they had foresightTo permit rewrites as the years grew long. Of the people— Those who aren’t walking in fear,With nothing…